Easy Entrepreneur2

Get Equipment
Get some supplies. Cheapest at Lowes or Home Depot in the cleaning department.
Before getting any supplies the essential items to start is a bucket, microfiber cloth, dish soap, towel, 8 foot extention pole, 10 inch strip washer and 12 inch squeegee. Consult with me to secure the right items. All for about $50 maybe.
Get Skills
Practice a simple cleaning technique at home over and over. Build your skill level to clean the window leaving no streaks.
2 parts to pro window cleaning. You have to reach what is too high and finish cleaning what you can reach standing. Before we ue ladders you will use a pole, clean the rest by hand and use towel for any touch up detailing.
When you have the skills to clean start working. If you haven't gotten any jobs yet you can get some from the Terminator Cleans Network as a Technician.
Get More Money
In between jobs there does not have to be any downtime. Sign up for Doordash and wait for a delivery to hit your phone. Extra money all day.
If you don't have a car you can use a bike or we suggest electric scooter or deliveries. You make the short deliveries spending no gas and no traffic.

Get Paid to Eat Out
After passing out your Marketing Materials, cleaning clients and waiting for another Doordash. How about a chance to make even more money while you get a bite to eat?
We discovered a legit company with many restaurants you can go eat at, write and submit a review online and get paid $50 and up each time. Click here to sign up.
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